
Thursday, October 15, 2009

catching up before baby brudher arrives

Getting ready around here.
This is a photo of G testing the infant seat. Wow! He's grown up. It's gone so fast. Bet the next three years go equally as fast. Fastening our seat belts...
Two people have asked in the last few days if I am carrying twins. Uhm, no. But Friday is the big day so I guess the lower and humongous belly is what’s throwing them.

Finished up at the office on Monday. Spent yesterday at the doc and hospital doing pre-op blood work and so forth. Friends of Red hosted the fall community meeting last night…A success!

So, as of this morning, I am officially done with obligations outside of my own personal agenda which includes puttering around the quiet house, resting up and taking in the U2 concert tonight .

It’s 11:25 a.m. on Wednesday, I am still in my P.J.s. I have organized the pile of papers in the home office (makes me happier than you can imagine). I have burned the last 6 months of photos to a DVD and I am cleaning up the computer desktop (almost makes me as happy as cleaning the actual desktop) to make way for MORE PHOTOS! AND I am catching up on the blog. Bliss.

The recap of recent events:

Elbow Blues
Deeda busted his elbow in a freak dog/opossum wrestling match on our fence line. He tripped over the gas meter in the dark… He never fell, but waving his arms so crazily is apparently all it took to create a couple hairline fractures likely caused by immobility resulting from two sizable bone spurs on the right elbow. Too many throws from home to second base in the earlier years perhaps? Who knows? What I do know is that a subsequent injury was created when he was feeling well enough to forget his elbow was hurt, which led to an apt. with the orthopedic doc and recommended surgery. So, we have a lame duck who, I will say, is getting better about taking his Advil.

Occasions, Classes & Secrets
G got dressed up fancy for Cousin James' Baptism. And Grammy came in to stay the weekend for the same occasion. G was so proud of his tie. It really was nice to have Grammy here.

G also attended big brother class at the hospital where he learned to hold a baby doll, put a diaper on and all about being a “Super Sibling.” Perfect for our little superhero lover… He had a blast! At the end of the class each child got to go to the front of the room, receive a T-shirt and certificate, and then say if they were having a brother or a sister and what the baby’s name would be.

We were anxious to hear the name he tossed out since we’d been talking with him about two different names. The child didn’t hesitate. And the name he said is the name we’ve chosen… G has been far more consistent than mom and Deeda, who mulled on it for several more weeks, but the deed is done. He has a name.

Keeping this secret has proven difficult for little man. Couple weeks he ago he thought he was alone with Nanna and he blurted it out. Little did he know I was within ear shot in the kitchen... He didn't have time to repeat himself before I arrived in the living room with wide eyes, and I don't believe Nanna heard correctly... Then, just yesterday, he was alone with Grams in the car and he told her he knew a secret. Good for Grams for telling him it's important to keep secrets... That's some real willpower. All will be known in due time!

Back to sibling class... To finish the class we took a tour which included a peek inside the nursery. G saw a new, new, new baby getting a bath and kinda made a face at it, like “that’s not cute at all.” Had to giggle. He was right. They all look a little alien at first. What was cute is what G said when we loaded back into the elevator with the class.

He asked, “Are we going up or down?”

“Down,” I said.

“We’re downloaded,” G said.

Priceless! "

Mission Float Test Accomplished.
G passed three float tests at Houston Swim Club this month! He officially graduated his dolphin class and we’re on swim class hiatus until further notice. We have to admit we’re happy to be done… Wednesday nights have been chaos for a long while…

I am not sure who was the most proud, G, his teachers or his parents. He floated bravely… His teacher Charlie had told him to think “happy thoughts.” So when he finished the first test, he told us that’s what he did. Water would splash over his face and he would quickly wipe it away and then put his hand right back behind his head. By the third test he was floating in long sleeves, pants, tennis shoes and socks! We have video of that too but it's too large to upload...Need to work on that... G got a certificate, ribbon and the Houston Swim Club bell (like the one they ring when you pass the float test).

Last Saturday I was kidnapped for a surprise non shower-shower / girls night out that totally rocked. Mani, pedi and dinner among all my best girls was such a treat. Erika and Andrea masterminded with Laura and Christian's assistance... So fun! Thanks to everyone who came and collaborated. It was a special night.

No Line on the Horizon.
Picking up where I left off. Writing this at 9:58 a.m. Thursday… T-minus 24 hours to “show time…”

It’s been the year of concerts for the Dionne’s. First George Strait. Then, Depeche Mode. Last night was U2. In a last minute decision we bucked up and bought tickets. I am so glad we didn’t miss it! Amazing! Wow! Never seen anything like it. Love the music and the band themselves…

Add to the memories I associate with their songs that range from junior high to the the present day, the fact that the band uses their stage/voice positively and you can’t deny U2 is incredible. And add to that the most amazing set, lights and imagery ever … and add to that a shooting star in the sky nearly on cue… I mean, it was an experience.
G stayed with Grams and Pops while we took in the show. Grams had some classic G’isms to report this morning.

“When my mommy’s belly pops baby brudher will be here.”

They have a fish named Shamu and one named Shamwow (as in the as seen on TV product) in their pond. G apparently named a third Shampoo last night. He’s quick!

And with that, I will sign off for now.

Baby updates to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. G is so cute... and I can't wait to find out baby brudher's name and see pictures tomorrow!!
