
Monday, July 21, 2008

baking day my ***

Desperate for new things to cook that can be plated within the 20 minutes I have between the time I kick my shoes off and put my bag down until the time Grant's ready to eat, I signed up for a email newsletter called "Menus for Moms." The menus promise fast, kid friendly and healthy menus. A lot of cook chicken on Monday and use it in Wednesday's recipe too type things. "Efficient," I thought to myself.

I remember the Saturday nap time I spent checking it out and signing us up. It was probably two months ago. Of course, I haven't had time to review the handy dandy Menus for Mom's emails I've received every week since. What else is new?

Bumping around procrastinating my "homework" tonight and I clicked on the link in my inbox. This is the tip that came up on the home page.

"Pick a day each week and designate it as your baking day. On baking day, spend a couple hours making snacks (gummies, granola, popsicles, etc.), hot dog/hamburger buns, and bread. Then you can avoid the snack stuff and the bread aisle at the store."

When I stopped laughing I scrolled to the bottom and cancelled that subscription. Then I immediately logged on to post this message (still procrastinating quite well).

Here's my tip: Uncle Ben's 90 second rice, Birdseye steam "fresh" frozen broccoli and left over grilled chicken. Grill as much as you can fit on the fire Sunday night and you've got good eats for the week.

This meal is especially good if your plumbing is for crap and you'll be doing dishes in the bathroom sink until you further notice and/or the winning lottery ticket arrives. Such is the case at our house.

P.S. Our new hand me down grill is Christian's current pride and joy. Thanks to casa de Nana and Papa for the donation!

P.S.S. Fresh frozen broccoli is right up there with fresh frozen catfish, but it will do.

P.S.S. Christian is a great cook and often cooks for Grant and I giving us those 20 minutes to play. He is a good deeda and deebabe.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Here We Go

House of Dionne. It's a play on the fashion house names. Get it? A house of style. As in, House of Chanel. As you can see in this photo (one of my all time favs) we're a fashionable little family.

Oooooor, you might feel it's less of stretch to say Casa de Dionne is an homage to Deeda's heritage. Depends on which one of us you ask. Also depends on what you consider a stretch- Deeda's so called Mexicanism or his fashion sense as seen in the left corner of this photo. It's a toss up.

At any rate, I suspect the postings here will be largely about the happenings "here in this house." It's "where it all happens." If you know the rest of that lyric, you know me well, I am glad you're reading.

So, here goes. Welcome to the 90s Mr. Baaanks. The Dionne's are bloggers. One more attempt to prove we're NOT OLD yet.