
Friday, March 6, 2009

Days Go By and Still I Think of You

Remember that song? Days go by and still I think of you... unce... unce. unce... I think it was a car commercial. Maybe early ipod commercial. Just the perfect riff to start this post.

Been too busy to blog. We've had one bounce house birthday party, a very special valentine's day, and an anniversary since the last post. Lot's to celebrate!

Bounce house was a blast for the kids and the adults alike. We liked it so much we did it all over again the following day to celebrate cousin Aubrey's bday. What a weekend! Complete with the entire Perritte clan in town from Dallas. G chose a Batman cake "all by himself" at Randalls and has carried the durn Batman everywhere with him since.

Deeda and I celebrated 9 years of wedded bliss on Wednesday. That means we've been official for officially half of our total relationship. And it all began one fateful football game date where I looked like I walked of the set of 90210... His outfit wasn't as comical as mine, but his polo cologne made up for it. To add one more stat to the nearly 18 years we've been functioning as a team, we've been together half our lives. Can that possibly be? "And we never had a fight."

We have about a thousand photos (literally) from that night. These are the ones I think tell the story as simply as possible. That kiss. Hand in hand and looking good (I must say). And we danced our tail feathers off! Honestly, it was the best night of my life. So fun looking at these photos. When I see the kids that were kids then and realize they're full grown adults now, I have perspective of the time that has gone by. A lot.

Back to current events, the adult discussion of the week has been about how certain things seem so long ago and others like yesterday. But the things that seem like yesterday are usually the ones that were a long while ago and vice versa. So strange how the brain processes time and events. The wedding seems like yesterday. The Atkins diet, a long time ago...

The kiddo discussion of the week has been about the spaceship G and his school buddies are going on. And the fact that he wants to be a swim teacher or scuba diver when he grows up...
The imagination is amazing and I being witness to it so much! It's an inspiration.

When I picked G up today he was playing on the hill at the playground. Running up and down, singing the "I, I, I, go running down the hill" song at the top of his lungs. That was his first favorite song and still is a hit. He's starting to be interested in singing (FINALLY!). I am so glad, I've got all kinds of good songs in my database from my preschool days. Always amazes Deeda.
Meanwhile, it amazes me he doesn't remember much about preschool.
I remember it vividly. The perfect example of something that seems like yesterday in so many ways. I can smell the soap in the "practical life" area. I can remember the cold metal of the shape tool we would trace with colored pencils. I remember the songs we sang and the kids in my class. I remember polishing silver and wood objects as part of a lesson with cotton balls and q-tips. I remember putting my hand in a velvet bag to touch a vegetable and having to guess what it was. That's how an eggplant became one of my favorite things. There's so much more... but the point is, I hope G remembers his early school years as fondly as I do. The friendships made then, literally changed the course of our lives. At least two people from my preschool class were at our wedding. Preschool family friends connected mom and Joe ...
My neighborhood girls and I are working hard for our little S.C. Red community school. The pet project is gaining momentum as we plan for our third community meeting in April. We've conducted a survey, written a marketing plan and distributed letters to nearly 400 homes with kids under 6. We had more than 70 parents at the last meeting. Interest is there. Survey results show if more neighborhood kids went to the school more neighborhood families would enroll their children. Uhm, so, let's all enroll our children and it's a done deal. Right?

The more I learn about Red the more enthused I am. The only thing I would really like to see change is to have more neighbor kids in the classrooms. Deeda and I plan to tackle a web design next. And, the press release I recently worked on sparked interest with a local news station who's assigned a producer to cover our next meeting. Hooray!
It's all exciting and fulfilling, especially because the group of moms I am working with is the best
group of gals I've come across is some time. Our meetings are long and our agendas include school topics, wine and whatever other discussion we please.

What else? Oh, so, so much to tell. But I'll save those details for another time. ;)