
Monday, January 19, 2009

lime in the coke you nut

Coconut is G's favorite word the last few days. He calls us coconuts and tonight he referred to pistachio nuts as coconuts. I have no idea where he got this. He cracks himself up with it though.

He is also happily reporting that his birthday is February 7th. However, when you ask how old he is going to be you never know what you're going to get. Sometimes it's three but it's often four. He knows durn well how old he's going to be but he likes to test everyone else...

I marked the date, on Sunday the child finally "rode" Santa's bike. Well, he sat on it while we pushed him to the park and back. Progress. There does seem to be a catch in the chain's getalong so maybe some grease and a couple more practice sessions and he'll be officially all over it. He has named the bike a hot wheels bike, so I feel like he's getting more attached to it. Hot wheels are so cool. Daily we play with the hot wheels tracks...Does this mean the days of lining up the Cars character cars are gone? I wonder. Buzz Lightyear seems to be giving Lightning McQueen a run for his money. Toy Story 2 has taken over the nightly 10 minutes of movie ritual until further notice.

The other child, Dee Dog, seems to be much improved thanks to her cushings meds. She's back to hunting opossums and barking to demand attention. Never been so happy to sush her.

Me and daddy-o are recovering from the reality that we're both another year older and we're working to get back into the swing of work. We finally made it to the grocery Sunday. Sounds simple but it was a major undertaking - especially since somebody didn't have a nap and I took him with me. It nearly got ugly. Flashing back to "the incident" I threatened to abort the mission, but we made it through successfully. The second gold mommy star earned in one week. What was the first you ask? On Tuesday, I changed poopy underwear in the backseat of a car and returned to the dinner table as if nothing horrible and gross ever happened. That's, like, worth two and half stars. Right?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Holidaze!

It’s back to the grind tomorrow and something tells me if I don’t do this now, it could be a while. Where I get into trouble is letting too much time pass between entries and wanting to get it ALL down. Then, it becomes a big task to blog rather than a quick update. So I will add to what’s becomeing a mighty long list of resolutions to blog in blurbs in ‘09. Of course, like all the other resolutions that will have to start tomorrow. There is a lot to catch up on tonight.

First of all, Grammy turned 90 on the 18th. Mom and Steve suprised her with a party. Truly something to celebrate!

Christmas Eve we baked cookies and visited the Martinez Outback for the annual tamale dinner and family get together. This year, Grams, Deeda and Uncle Alex did a special rendition of What Child is This. Grams played piano, Unc Alex accompanied on guitar and Deeda sang. It was great! As was Aunt Laudie’s tango and Carlitos’ and Unc Charles’ version of Oh Holy Night. But I wouldn’t be telling the whole story if I didn’t include the fact that G was quite taken with the mike and did several numbers himself. Jingle Bells, Frosty the Snow Man and Rudolph were top hits of the season. G carefully tapped the mike as if to say “check, check” with each number. He was also sure to read the sheet music as he sang. A budding musician? Perhaps. A ham? For sure. If you have any doubts click here.

Christmas morning we had the most wonderful egg enchilada casserole of all time and that’s all I have to say about that -- except sorry. Back to the list of resolutions… So many things to work on. Seriously, the morning was great. Santa was good to us. G’s stocking was full and Wingo, the Elf on the Shelf, must have delivered his message about the Diego Dino Rescue Mountain because there it was under the tree! Santa also brought a big boy bike. Despite the fact a bike was all the talk prior to the big day, it has been of no interest since. That and making #2 on the potty continue to be a bit of a battle.

The top toy of the holiday may well be the little Spiderman Santa thought to put In G’s stocking at the last minute. Who knew? Buzz Lightyear has been big in more recent days. G taped a rocket to his back and has been flying him all over the house. We’re big Buzz fans these days. Tonight at dinner, G was quoting Toy Story 2 (another gift). It took us a while to figure out what our little jokester was telling us but apparently “Pork Bellies are Falling.” The kid truly set us up telling a joke like a stand up comedian. The gleam in his eye, laughing at his own joke. Again with the ham.

The gifts just seemed to keep coming. Four sets of grandparents and an extended family of friends and relatives are too good to us. If there is anything Cars we don’t have I would be surprised. By day four or so of the festivities G was totally and completely spoiled, asking “do we have any presents today?” So we’ve spent the last few, more quiet, days attempting to deprogram. When he wasn’t getting something he wanted last week, G placed his hands on Deeda’s cheeks, looked him in the eyes and said, “Daddy, let me help you say yes.” Clearly, it was time to reel it in a little.

For my birthday we finally made it to
Max’s Wine Dive which didn’t disappoint in the slightest. As per usual we had several drinks and then planned the rest of our lives (again). Then we took in Four Christmas’. Vince Vaughn is always good for a laugh and the title seemed like something we could relate to. Before we headed home, I decided I deserved a little vampire “fix” so we made it a double feature and saw Twilight. Yes, it was my 35th birthday but that Edward Cullen makes me feel 16, so it was the perfect birthday date. I admit a little infatuation, but will remind my other half again that the reason I love the story so much is because it’s a true love story and I can totally relate.

In addition to five Christmas’ and a birthday we managed to work in couple of fun shopping extravaganzas, trips to the park, several movies, too many great meals, a trip to the Children’s Museum, a couple of gatherings with friends, a car wash/detail and my first batch of cake balls --we had a few days to sleep in and stay in our PJs. We caught up with our families, some friends and each other. I don’t think there is anything short of a prescription that would keep me from stressing at least a little over the holidays, but it should count for something that the stress comes from the desire to uphold tradition, make memories, wrap really pretty packages and play like a domestic goddess as if I bake and cook like this all year long.

In the rear view mirror I can see the stress comes from wanting so much from such a relatively short period of time. The final word: we made it. And it was fun.

Happy New Year!