
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Birthday Wish.

Just realizing this little project celebrated it's first birthday this month! Happy Birthday Casa de Dionne!

Now, here's what I wished for when I blew out the candles. I'd like to see some comments on the blog in the coming year. Eh-hem Grandparents in particular, family and friends too, it's much appreciated when you respond via email that you like the blog. However, your comments and notes would become part of the (b)log if you would post comments to it. Just click on the little word comments at the end of the post (right where it usually says "0 comments") and enter share your thoughts or add your own story.

So, someday when G and TBD are reading the story of their life not only will they see what I had to write but what you had to add to it... Wouldn't that be great? Plus, a few comments would inspire more posts. It's always nice to know if someone else is reading.

Please comment. This is a two way communication vehicle.


  1. Here's a sample comment from your author mama mia so you can see just how beautiful a few comments could be. :)

  2. Haha... I love your sample!!
    And yes, comments are always nice!

  3. I hear ya. I'm the same way. At first I thought no one was reading but every time I turn around people are saying something that was mentioned or a picture made them laugh... this chick I hadn't seen since I graduated high school even gets on it. I get one here or there, but feel your pain!
